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Sean Minty and Emily Morris join the Humanities and Social Sciences Academic Support Center

Two second- year MA English graduate students, Sean Minty and Emily Morris, have joined the Humanities and Social Sciences Academic Support Center for the 2015-2016 academic year.  Sean and Emily will work as advisors and assist undergraduate students with inquiries regarding college and university policies, academic records, degree requirements, and university resources.

Sean Minty
Sean Minty is a second-year graduate student in our English department pursuing concentrations in both Composition/Rhetoric and Linguistics. He is interested in African American literature, ideological rhetorical theory, and sociolinguistics, and doesn’t precisely know what he wants to be when he grows up. He is working on a rhetoric of empathy as it might better provide for him a chance to tease out cultural-ideological constraint from his often privileged assumptions about the very complex world around him. He received an Associates of Arts with a concentration in Education and Diversity Awareness from Valencia Community College in Orlando, Florida, followed by a Bachelor’s degree in English from North Carolina Central University in Durham, NC.  He is currently using the rhetoric of Kanye West as a point of entry into the tenacity and inflexibility of our assumptions by analyzing YouTube comments generated from a variety of interviews and appearances that Kanye has made over the last few years.


Emily Morris
Emily Morris is entering her second year in the MA in English program with a concentration in American and British Literature. Born in rural northeast Ohio, she always aspired to leave the countryside and pursue an education that would equip her to teach others to be passionate about reading and writing. This summer, she taught reaching enrichment classes through the Institute of Reading Development, which has fueled her desire to become an instructor after graduation. She obtained a BA in Creative Writing from Ohio University before joining the Wolfpack here at State. Aside from reading fiction, she enjoys practicing yoga, riding her bike, cooking, and writing poetry.