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Accelerated Bachelor’s-Master’s Degree (ABM)

What is it?

The ABM program allows undergraduates to complete both a bachelor’s and master’s degree at an expedited pace.

Who can apply?

Current NC State students with a 3.5 cumulative GPA who have completed 75 credit hours toward their degree (third-year status). You have to apply before you receive your bachelor’s degree.

What do I have to do?

To participate in the ABM program, you will take graduate classes, some of which will contribute to your undergraduate degree and some to your graduate degree. You can count up to four classes (12 credit hours) toward both degrees and you can take up to two classes (6 credit hours) as an undergraduate that contribute to your eventual graduate degree.

Once you complete the ABM program and receive your bachelor’s degree, you will spend one more year at NC State to complete your master’s degree.

I’m interested. What’s next?

Talk to your advisor to discuss what’s right for you. Email Stacey Pigg, the director of graduate programs in English, to learn more about our graduate degrees and your next steps.