Chris Anson publishes essay, gives talks
Chris Anson’s essay “Writing, Language, and Literacy” was published in the anthology First-Year Composition: From Theory to Practice (Parlor Press).
Over the summer, Anson gave the following talks:
- “Writing Instruction to Support Disciplinary Learning: Strategies and Examples,” Trinity University, San Antonio, TX, May 5-6.
- “Facilitating the Transfer of Writing and Speaking Ability Across Contexts,” Allegheny College, Meadville, PA, May 12.
- “Developing Writing-Intensive and Writing-to-Learn Courses,” University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN, June 2-6.
- “Sustaining Change: WAC Experts Think Out Loud,” 12th International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Minneapolis, MN, June 13. (plenary session, with Linda Adler-Kassner, Michelle Cox, Robert McMaster, Chris Thaiss, and Kathleen Blake Yancey)
- “When Students Teach Teachers: Analysis of an Assignment Response Experiment,” European Writing Centers Association, Frankfurt Oder, Germany, July 20.
- “Institutionalized Frameworks, Localized Research, and Publication,” 4th Annual Dartmouth Composition Research Seminar, Hanover, NH, August 5.
- “Articulating, Supporting, and Assessing the Surry SLOs,” and “Designing and Supporting Writing Assignments: ‘The Write Choice for Success,'” Surry Community College, Dobson, NC, August 12 & 13.
- “Writing to Learn, Learning to Write: Strategies for Creating a Writing-Rich Course,” DePauw University, Greencastle, IN, August 18.
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