Faculty Notes for December 2016
An excerpt from Lindsey Andrews’ Letters to the Other World, about entanglement in black radical tradition and quantum physics, was published in Lute & Drum with the title “From Inside a Black Box” (http://issue8.luteanddrum.com/#!andrews/).
During the break, Chris Anson served as the “opponent” (a term not to be taken too literally) for the dissertation defense of Djuddah Leijen at the University of Tartu in Estonia. While in Tartu, Anson also gave a talk, “Research on Writing in Higher Education: A Brief History and Some Unanswered Questions.”
He also contributed the epilogue to Deanna Dannels, Patricia Palmerton, and Amy Housley Gaffney’s book, Oral Communication in the Disciplines: A Resource for Teacher Development and Training, which was published recently by Parlor Press.
Belle Boggs’s book, The Art of Waiting, is longlisted for the PEN/Diamonstein-Spielvogel Award for the Art of the Essay.
The Art of Waiting was selected as a best book of the year by Buzzfeed Books, Kirkus, Publishers Weekly, Largehearted Boy, and the Globe and Mail.
The Lewis Center for the Arts at Princeton University has named Eduardo Corral a 2017–2018 Hodder Fellow, an honor given to artists and writers of exceptional promise. Fellows pursue independent projects at Princeton University during the academic year.
Paul Fyfe along with Qian Ge, a PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering, won runners-up in the research category in the 2016 British Library Labs Awards (http://blogs.bl.uk/digital-scholarship/2016/11/symposium-2.html).The awards recognize innovative uses of the British Library’s digital collections. Fyfe and Ge’s project, “Illustrated Image Analytics,” explores how computer vision techniques can sort and analyze images from large collections of nineteenth-century British newspapers (http://ncna.dh.chass.ncsu.edu/imageanalytics).
Fyfe also gave an invited presentation on “Digital Humanities and the Visual/Virtual Turn” to an assembly of journal editors and publishing professionals at Oxford University Press’s annual Journals Day.
His review of Virtual Victorians: Networks, Connections, Technologies, edited by Veronica Alfano and Andrew Stauffer, appears in the latest issue of Victorian Studies (https://muse.jhu.edu/article/642671).
In January, Dorianne Laux will read at the 13th Annual Palm Beach Poetry Festival in Delray Beach, Florida (http://www.palmbeachpoetryfestival.org/).
Carolyn Miller’s “Genre Innovation: Evolution, Emergence, or Something Else?” is the lead article in a special issue (on genre innovation) of the Journal of Media Innovations (volume 3.2, 2016).
Along with Ashley R. Kelly, Miller edited Emerging Genres in New Media Environments, a collection of 14 essays from the CRDM symposium held at NC State University in April 2013 (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017). The collection Includes her introductory chapter, “‘Where Do Genres Come From?'”
On November 30, Juliana Nfah-Abbenyi attended an all-day ASA/NHA (National Humanities Alliance) Advocacy Workshop and met on Capitol Hill with a representative from Senator Thom Tillis’s office to advocate for funding for the humanities.
On December 1, she chaired the African Literature Association-sponsored panel on “Moving the Center of War Narratives: Representations of Combat in African Cinema and Literature” at the African Studies Association (ASA) conference in Washington, D.C.
On January 6, Erik Thomas will co-present “An Exploration of Prosody in a Mexican American English Dialect” with Tyler Kendall at the Annual Meeting of the American Dialect Society in Austin, Texas.
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