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Faculty Notes For July/August 2020


Chris Anson was a featured guest as part of a discussion series sponsored by the Middle East/North Africa Writing Centers Alliance, which took place online on August 25 from Sultan Qaboos University in Muscat, Oman.

Anson discusses teaching writing in a podcast series of interviews with writing studies scholars.


Paul Broyles published “Digital Editions and Version Numbering” in DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly, 14:2.


Daun Daemon’s poem “Kaleidoscope” was published in the Summer 2020 issue of Remington Review. The journal featured the poem in its social media marketing for that issue.

The Dead Mule School published Daemon’s poems “Duchess, A German Shepherd Dog” and “Through the Mill Village” on August 1.


Rebecca De Haas was accepted into the Online Course Improvement Program (OCIP) for Fall 2020.  


Marsha Gordon’s recently published co-edited collection, Screening Race in American Nontheatrical Film, is one of three books  shortlisted for the Kraszna Krausz Award for best book in the field of Moving Image Studies. Along with her co-editor, Allyson Nadia Field, and Skip Elsheimer of A/V Geeks, she will present a free 16mm film streaming and discussion event related to the book, sponsored by Duke University, on September 3 at 7 p.m.

Screening Race in America has also been selected by Duke University Press to be part of the Knowledge Unlatched program, which provides free open access to the entire collection. 

Gordon’s latest documentary, All the Possibilities…, received the Silver Award in the Best Documentary Short category of the University Film and Video Association, the professional association of production faculty in the United States. It has recently streamed at the Indy Film Festival, New Haven Doc Film Festival, and Tarheel


The News & Observer published the op-ed, “Faculty and students shouldn’t have to risk their health for a university’s bottom line” by Paul Isom.

Isom was also the subject of a video produced by the N&O: “Concerns about reopening as a faculty member and parent of a student at N.C. State.” 


On July 16, Kyesha Jennings discussed “Healing Through Hip-Hop: The Documentation of Racial Injustice in America’s Mythical Post-Racial Society” as the featured speaker at Research Triangle Park’s #RTP180 Virtual Event

Jennings has a new bi-weekly column for the Indy Week called “Her Take: On Carolina Hip-Hop.” To keep up with the column, you can read her newsletter: What is Kyesha up to?

Her article “City Girls, Hot Girls and the Re-imagining of Black Women in Hip Hop and Digital Spaces” is included in the inaugural issue of the Global Journal of Hip-Hop Studies


John Kessel’s story “Spirit Level” appears in the July/August issue of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. This is the 20th story of Kessel’s to be published in the magazine since 1980. 


From June 29–July 10, Jamie Larsen and Beryl Pittman developed and taught the technical communication component for the Global Training Institute’s Advanced Certificate in Global Leadership for engineering majors at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia.


Dorianne Laux has new poems forthcoming in Poem-A-Day, Plume, Adroit, Northwest Review, and Miramar.

She contributed an essay to The Long Embrace: 21 Contemporary Poets on the Long Poems of Philip Levine.

On August 10, Richard Blanco, fifth presidential inaugural poet, discussed Laux’s work on Boston Public Radio. 

An excerpt from her poem “Life is Beautiful” was inscribed on the Poetry Path by Poets House in Battery Park City. 

She’s done her fair share of Zoom awkward readings and interviews during the pandemic, many of which are available on-line. 


Carolyn Miller’s “A History of RSA in Ten Minutes” is included in Reinventing Rhetoric Scholarship: Fifty Years of the Rhetoric Society of America, edited by Roxanne Mountford, Dave Tell, and David Blakesley (Parlor Press).

Miller contributed an invited retrospective on “Revisiting ‘A Humanistic Rationale for Technical Writing’” for special issue on Transdisciplinary Connections in Composition Studies and Technical and Professional Communication, College English (82:5).


Jason Miller’s article “Turning Poetry into Prose: Not Without Laughter and Langston Hughes” is now available in the robust anthology A Forest on Many Stems: Essays on the Poet’s Novel, edited by poet Laynie Brown.


The African book blog Literandra published an interview with Juliana Nfah-Abbenyi: “New Daughters of Africa: In Conversation with Dr. Juliana Makuchi Nfah-Abbenyi.”  


Nancy Penrose and Steve Katz have republished the third edition of their science writing textbook  — Writing in the Sciences: Exploring Conventions of Scientific Discourse  (2010) — as an open access resource for students and faculty, available through Parlor Press as a free e-book download.


Sarah Grunder Ruiz’s debut novel — Love, Lists, and Fancy Ships — was sold to Berkley, an imprint of Penguin Random House, for publication in December 2021 as part of a two-book deal.