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Faculty Notes for March 2019


Belle Boggs will read from and discuss her new novel, The Gulf, at the Regulator Bookshop on April 2 at 7 p.m. She will also read at Quail Ridge Books (in conversation with MFA student Sarah Ruiz) on April 17 at 7 p.m.


Helen Burgess and Maggie Simon’s Intimate Fields digital poetry installation received an Honorable Mention in the international Public Library Prize for Electronic Literature sponsored by the Danish Public Libraries.

Burgess and Simon were also recently interviewed about the project for the Triangle Digital Humanities Network.


Helen Burgess presented the keynote — “Rhetoric, Riddles and the Strange Stranger” — for the AEGS conference on March 23.

On March 26, Burgess presented “A Repo of One’s Own” on a panel at the John Hope Franklin Digital Humanities Institute at Duke University.


Daun Daemon’s poem “When Mama Sang ‘Mockingbird Hill,'” originally published online in February, is now out in print in Peeking Cat Poetry (Issue 38, Spring 2019).


Paul Fyfe presented “Photography, Periodicals, and the Recombinant Visual Field” at a workshop on “Photography, Writing, Letterpress” at the University of Marburg, Germany. Fyfe attended as a Mercator Fellow of the DFG Research Unit “Journal Literature.” 


In March, Marsha Gordon gave a talk on “‘The Only Woman Producer of Films in America’: Angela Murray Gibson’s Movie Studio in1920s North Dakota” at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies conference in Seattle, WA.

Gordon’s documentary, Rendered Small, played in The International Festival of Films on Art (FIFA) in Montreal on March 20 and 29.

Her most recent monthly “Movies on the Radio” show on WUNC’s The State of Things was about gangster films.

On April 18, Gordon will share the stage with Elizabeth Gardner (WRAL meteorologist) and Jessica Whitehead (climate change expert with NC Sea Grant) for a Science in the Movies event hosted by the Science Communicators of North Carolina. “Twisters, Tremblors, Sharknadoes and Other Natural Disasters” will be held at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh at 7 p.m.


Kyesha Jennings reviewed Jordan Peele’s new horror thriller Us for the INDY (“Jordan Peele’s Us Is as Boundary-Pushing as Get Out. But Is It Scary?“). 


Dorianne Laux spoke on a panel and give a reading at the Association of Writers & Writing Programs Conference in Portland, OR, March 26–29. She also read at Powell’s Books in Portland.  


On March 16, Carolyn Miller was a writer and performer for the session on “Performing Genres for Social Action: Genre Uptakes and ‘Disruptakes’” at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, which was held in Pittsburgh. 

Miller is serving this year as the Faculty Advisor for the NC State Student Chapter of the Rhetoric Society of America. The chapter is organizing this year’s Carolina Rhetoric Conference, April 12–13, for which the theme is “Continuing the Conversation of Rhetoric’s Keywords.” The conference is an annual collaboration among rhetoric programs at Clemson University, the University of South Carolina, and NC State University.


Elaine Orr has won the 2019 Alumni Association Outstanding Research Leadership Award, which makes her a part of NC State’s Research Leadership Academy.


In March, Maggie Simon presented Intimate Fields (her digital poetry project with Helen Burgess) for a round table on teaching with digital tools at the annual Renaissance Society of America meeting in Toronto. At the conference, she also presented a paper on “Rest and Rhyme in the Poetry of Thomas Campion.

Her essay “Glossing Authorship: Printed Marginalia in Aemilia Lanyer’s Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum” appears in the latest issue of Renaissance Papers. 


John Wall delivered a paper entitled “Donne’s Devotions upon Emergent Occasions in its Liturgical Context: Pastoral Care in the Post-Reformation Church of England” at the annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, held in Toronto, Canada, March 16–19. 


On March 1, Doug Walls was an invited speaker at the University of Alabama’s Digital Rhetoric/Digital Media in the Post-Truth Age Symposium. His talk, “The Issue of Scope or Why I Failed to See or Predict 2016,” dealt with how the issue of scale troubles digital rhetoric in the contemporary political moment.