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Faculty Notes for October 2018

Daun Daemon’s poem “My Daddy Taught Me to Pack”has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.


Paul Fyfe received the 2018 NCSU Libraries Faculty Award. This is the third consecutive year that a CRDM faculty member has won (2017 Victoria Gallagher, 2016 Marsha Gordon).

Fyfe published “Reading, Making, and Metacognition: Teaching Digital Humanities for Transfer”in Digital Humanities Quarterly 12.2 (2018).

With his research assistant Qian Ge, Fyfe published “Image Analytics and the Nineteenth-Century Illustrated Newspaper”in the Journal of Cultural Analytics (2018). 

He gave a conference paper on “Pictures, Piles, Pins, Paper” at the North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA) conference in St. Petersburg, FL, October 11–14.

On October 2, Fyfe was a panelist at the “Digital Humanities Nuts and Bolts: From Idea to Sustainable Project” symposium at the National Humanities Center.


Anna Gibson’s “Charlotte Brontë’s First Person” (Narrative, issue 25.2)was awarded honorable mention for the North American Victorian Studies Association’s Donald Gray Essay Prize for the best essay published in 2017.

Gibson presented “Form and Life: The Strategy and Tactics of Victorian Novel Form” at the North American Victorian Studies Association conference hosted by the University of Florida in St. Petersburg, October 11–14.


Marsha Gordon published “Brett Kavanaugh Goes to the Movies” in The Conversation, October 2, 2018.

Her documentary, Rendered Small, played at the Gregg Museum of Art on October 24.

Her latest “Movies on the Radio” show on WUNC’s The State of Thingswas about campy and comic horror films. It aired on October 31.


On October 5, Kyesha Jennings moderated a panel on women and hip-hop titled “Women’s Role in Music + Activism” at the 14th annual A3C Music Festival and Conference in Atlanta, GA.

On November 2, she will present “‘No Telephone to Hell’: Horace’s Battle with the Church” at the Southern Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA) conference in Birmingham, Alabama.


Jim Knowles published “Ghastly Vignettes: Pierce the Ploughman’s Crede, the Ghost of Shakespeare’s Blackfriars, and the Future of the Digital Past” in an edited collection called Meeting the Medieval in a Digital World (ARC Medieval Press /Medieval Institute, 2018).

He was also elected to serve on the executive committee of the International Piers Plowman Society. 


Carolyn Miller served as an advisory panel member for “Modes of Modification: Variance and Change in Medieval Manuscript Culture,” an eight-year grant funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond of Sweden. She attended the first project review session in Hamar, Norway, on October 18 and19. 

She gave two invited presentations at the University of Helsinki’s Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian, and Scandinavian Studies — “Genre as Social Action, Revisited: Transformation and Innovation in Professional Discourse” on October 22 and “Memoir, Blog, and Selfie: Genre as Social Action in Self-Representation” on October 26 — and led a workshop titled “How to Find and Analyse a Genre” on October 23.


From October 25–28, Juliana Nfah-Abbenyi attended the Southern Regional Education Board’s Institute on Teaching and Mentoring in Arlington, VA, as an NC State Recruiter of Underrepresented Minority Faculty.


Nancy Penrose and co-author Gwendolynne Reid published “Learning about Learning: Composition’s Renewed Engagement with Cognition” in Composition Studies(46.2).


Five of Maria Rouphail’s poems have been accepted for publication in the Peacock Journal.


On October 2, Tim Stinson and Laura Mandell (Texas A&M) presented “ARC, BigDIVA, and the Future of Research Infrastructures” as part of the National Humanities Center’s Digital Humanities Workshop.


John Wall delivered a paper entitled “‘What they are yet I know not’: Speech, Silence, and Meaning in King Lear” at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Renaissance Conference, held at UNC-Charlotte, October 19–20.