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Faculty Notes for September


On September 1, Chris Anson gave a paper at the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction in Tampere, Finland.

His essay “Writing to Read, Revisited” has appeared in What Is College Reading? (University Press of Colorado).  

His coauthored article “How Writing Contributes to Learning: New Findings from a National Study and Their Local Application” was published in Peer Review, 19.1.

A National Science Foundation grant on which he is a co-PI, “Standard: An Investigation of Text Recycling in Scientific Research Writing,” has received funding in the amount of $479,367.


Paul Fyfe won the Donald Gray Prize, awarded by the North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA) for best article published in the field of Victorian studies in 2016. The article, “An Archaeology of Victorian Newspapers,” appeared in Victorian Periodicals Review.


Marsha Gordon was a guest curator of an 11-film Sam Fuller war movie series for the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, NY. She introduced six of those films over the weekend of September 15–16.

While in New York, she led a graduate seminar at NYU for Dan Streible’s class on nontheatrical film.

On September 20, Gordon’s Movies on the Radio show on WUNC’s The State of Things was about school films. The next show will be about witches and warlocks.


Kyesha Jennings’ article “Teaching in the Mix: Turntablism, DJ Aesthetics and African American Literature,” co-authored with Emery Petchauer, has been published in Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education (volume 24).  

Jennings is curating an exhibit with the Museum of Durham History on hip-hop in Durham, a project that was awarded the 2017-2018 Season Grant from the Durham Arts Council.


Susan Katz was an invited panelist for a SPARKcon program, “How do I Get My Book on YOUR Bookshelf: 5 Tried and True Strategies to Guarantee Your Book Makes It to the Bookstore Shelf,” which took place September 16 at the Read With Me bookstore.


Jim Knowles and Tim Stinson, along with Paul Broyles from the NCSU Libraries, were awarded a $3500 grant by the Thomas W. Ross Publishing Fund at UNC Press. The award will support the conversion of Piers Plowman Electronic Archive editions into print-on-demand format and to launch a sales and distribution agreement with UNC Press to make PPEA texts more widely available to scholars and the public.


Dorianne Laux’s poem “Only As The Day Is Long” was included in the anthology Los hijos de Whitman (The Sons and Daughters of Whitman), edited and translated into the Spanish by poet Francisco Larios for Valparaíso Ediciones (Mexico).

Her poem “For the Sake of Strangers” was reprinted in Poetry of Presence, An Anthology of Mindfulness Poems (Grayson Books).


From October 1–15, Dorianne Laux and Joseph Millar will teach a course at The American International School in Vienna.


On September 1, Bill Lawrence read from his first novel, The Punk and the Professor, for First Friday at So & So Books.

In October, he will read and sign books at Book Revue in Huntington, NY. He has also been invited to lead a book talk for his novel at Suffolk County Community College in Selden, NY. 


On October 25, Joseph Millar will give a reading in Caldwell Lounge at 7:30 p.m.


On September 21, Jason Miller presented material in the Inaugural Don Welch Lecture Series at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.

He shared ideas about primary sources with area teachers at the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) at the Raleigh state archives on September 15. 

His film Origin of the Dream will receive a $5,000 grant from the Edgecombe Charitable Foundation as well as another $2,000 grant from the Futrell-Mauldin Community Foundation at a ceremony in Rocky Mount, NC, on October 12. 


Beryl Cox Pittman co-authored the “Train the Trainers” guide for multiplier events and the Investor Pitch module for the Network of Multidisciplinary Ideation and Business Model Generation (NetMIB) project in the European Union. NetMIB is funded through an Erasmus grant and is launching a global incubation platform through the University of Pecs in Hungary.


Jon Thompson published three poems from his new manuscript, Notebook of Last Things, in Osiris (volume 84). He published 34 more poems from the same manuscript in the online British poetry journal Molly Bloom

He also published Issue 28 of Free Verse: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry & Poetics, which features, among other things, new poetry by Baba Badji, Dan Beachy-Quick, Bruce Bond, Josh Booton, Noah Eli Gordon, Charlotte Lieberman, Shane McCrae, Joshua McKinney, Boyer Rickel, F.Daniel Rzicznek, Sandra Simonds, Cole Swensen, and Susan Tichy. The issue also features a special supplement of new translations of Catullus by the English poet Simon Smith. To read the issue go to

Thompson was also one of three American poets selected to read at the weeklong Festival Internacional de Poesia in Granada, Nicaragua, in February 2018.


John N Wall published an article entitled “St Paul’s Cathedral Rises from the Dust” in the October 2017 issue of ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) News 


In late August, Rebecca Walsh delivered a paper, “Gender, Geography, and Temporalities of the Anthropocene,” at the Modernist Studies Association conference in Amsterdam.