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M.S. Electives


The M.S. program provides considerable flexibility to students who wish to design their own curriculum. Outside of the program’s five required courses, students take six elective courses, which can be chosen to fit a certain specialty or interest, or can be taken from a variety of disciplines.

Below are examples of representative course clusters. Students can work with their M.S. advisor to develop their own cluster, choosing from among the entire list of elective courses.

COM 487Internet and Society
CSC 454, 554Human-computer Interaction
CSC 461Computer Graphics
CSC 467Multimedia Technology
EAC 595WWeb-based Training
ENG 508Usability Studies for Technical Communication
ENG 519Online Information Design and Evaluation
IE(PSY) 740Human Factors in System Design
IE(PSY) 745Human Performance
PSY 710iComputer Interface Prototyping and Development
COM 566Seminar in Crisis Communication
ECG 515Environmental and Resource Policy
ECG 715Environmental And Resource Economics
ENG 520Science Writing for the Media
ENG 583Seminar on Communication in Health and Environmental Sciences
ET 460Practice of Environmental Technology
NR 571Current Issues in Natural Research Policy
PA 550Environmental Policy
SOC 450Environmental Sociology
SOC 762Urban Ecology
ECG 537Health Economics
ENG 520Science Writing for the Media
ENG 583Gender and Medicine
ENG 583Seminar on Communication in Health and Environmental Sciences
PA 511Public Policy Analysis
SOC 744Health Behavior and Interventions
EAC 559The Adult Learner
EAC 580Designing Instructional Systems in Training and Development
EAC 581Advanced Instructional Design in Training and Development
EAC 582Organization and Operation of Training and Development Programs
EAC 583Needs Assessment and Task Analysis in Training and Development
EAC 584Evaluating Training Transfer and Effectiveness
EAC 585Integrating Technology into Training Programs
EAC 586Methods and Techniques of Training and Development
EAC 595WWeb-based Training
ECI 716Design and Evaluation of Instructional Materials
PSY 768Organizational Psychology
CSC 423Information Resources Management
ECE 792IInformation Theory
PA 525Organization Design
PA 540Computer Applications in Public Affairs
PA 514Management Systems
PSY 764Survey if Industrial/Organizational Psychology
PSY 768Organizational Psychology
PSY 770Organization Development and Change
SOC 410, 610Sociology of Organizations
SOC 752Work and Industry

Alphabetical List of Approved Electives

– B –
BUS 462Marketing Research
BUS 465Advertising and Promotion Management
BUS 480Business Policy and Strategy
– C –
COM 402Advanced Group Communication
COM 411Rhetorical Criticism
COM 421Communication Law
COM 441Ethical Issues in Communication
COM 442Communication and Conflict Management
COM 456Organizational Communication
COM 476Public Relations Applications
COM 487Internet and Society
COM 523International and Intercultural Communication
COM 527Seminar in Organizational Conflict Management
COM 528Communication Culture and Technology
COM 541Quantitative Research Methods in Applied Communication
COM 542Qualitative Research Methods in Applied Communication
COM 556Seminar in Organizational Communication
COM 561Human Communication Theory
COM 566Seminar in Crisis Communication
CSC 442Introduction to Simulation
CSC 454Human-Computer Interaction
CSC 461Computer Graphics
CSC 467Multimedia Technology
CSC 501Operating Systems Principles
CSC 510Software Engineering
CSC 554Human-Computer Interaction
– E –
EAC 559The Adult Learner
EAC 540Extension in Developing Countries
EAC 580Designing Instructional Systems in Training and Development
EAC 581Advanced Instructional Design in Training and Development
EAC 582Organization and Operation of Training and Development Programs
EAC 583Needs Assessment and Task Analysis in Training and Development
EAC 584Evaluating Training Transfer and Effectiveness
EAC 585Integrating Technology into Training Programs
EAC 586Methods and Techniques of Training and Development
EAC 595WWeb-based Training
ECG 512Law and Economics
ECG 515Environmental and Resource Policy
ECG 537Health Economics
ECG 715Environmental and Resource Economics
ECE 792IInformation Theory
ECI 716Design and Evaluation of Instructional Materials
ENG 508Usability Studies for Technical Communication
ENG 513Empirical Research Methods in Composition
ENG 516Rhetorical Criticism: Theory and Practice
ENG 519Online Information Design and Evaluation
ENG 520Science Writing for the Media
ENG 524Introduction to Linguistics
ENG 525Variety in Language
ENG 527Discourse Analysis
ENG 583Gender and Medicine
ENG 583Seminar on Communication in Health and Environmental Sciences
ET 460Practice of Environmental Technology
– F –
FOR(MDS) 584Practice of Environmental Impact Assessment
– G –
GC 420Visual Thinking
GD 400Advanced Graphic Design Studio
– H –
HI 581History of Life Sciences
HI 582Darwinism in Science and Theory
– I –
IE(PSY) 740Human Factors in System Design
IE(PSY) 745Human Performance
– N –
NR 571Current Issues in Natural Resource Policy
– P –
PA 511Public Policy Analysis
PA 512The Budgetary Process
PA 513Public Organization Behavior
PA 514Management Systems
PA 525Organization Design
PA 540Computer Applications in Public Affairs
PA 550Environmental Policy
PS 502The Legislative Process
PSY 410Learning and Motivation
PSY 420Cognitive Processes
PSY 425Introduction to Cognitive Science
PSY 500Visual Perception
PSY 508Cognitive Processes
PSY 511Advanced Social Psychology
PSY 525Introduction to Cognitive Science
PSY 704Learning and Motivation
PSY(IE) 740Human Factors in Systems Design
PSY 743Ergonomic Performance Assessment
PSY(IE) 745Human Performance
PSY 757Innovation and Technology
PSY 764Survey of Industrial/Organizational Psychology
PSY 768Organizational Psychology
PSY 770Organization Development and Change
– S –
SOC 410Sociology of Organizations
SOC 450Environmental Sociology
SOC 514Developing Societies
SOC 610Formal Organizations
SOC 752Work and Industry
SOC 753Formal Organizations
SOC 754Economic Sociology
SOC 762Urban Ecology