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Ina Cariño (MFA ’19) Wins Poetry Broadside Contest

Josephine “Ina” Cariño’s poem “Feast” was the winner of Sundress Publications’ 2017 Poetry Broadside Contest. Broadsides of the poem will be printed at Sundress Academy for the Arts and are available for pre-order at their online store. Like much of Cariño’s work, “Feast” is built on childhood memory, the natural world, and the interplay between life and death. The broadside edition combines her work with an original piece by Mariana Sierra, graphic designer at Sundress Publications.

Cariño’s work has appeared in New American Fiction (New Rivers Press), One (Jacar Press), and december. She grew up in the mountains of the Philippines, a folkloric and aesthetic background to many of her poems. Cariño is currently enrolled in NC State University’s MFA program.