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Meet Our Students: Caleb Bartholomew

Caleb Bartholomew


Hometown: Charlotte, NC

Year: Senior, class of ’20

Major: English with a concentration in Literature, and minors in Creative Writing and Philosophy

Accomplishments: Departmental Honors in English, University Scholars Program Member, Phi Beta Kappa Member


What are some of your favorite classes?

 Intermediate Poetry Writing (ENG 389), Independent Study (ENG 498) with the topic of Gay Modern American Drama and Film; and 20th Century American Poetry (ENG 576).

What are some of your interests? Do you participate in any activities or student groups?

Director of Outreach for the Climate Reality Project at NC State focused on implementing institutional climate action. (August 2016-Present)
Alternative Service Break Trip Leader to San Francisco focused on social justice and the intersection of LGBTQ+ identities with other identities. (March 2019)
Alternative Service Break Trip Participant to Hoonah, Alaska focused on Native American culture and youth education. (March 2018)

Who in the English Department has made the biggest impact on you?

Dr. Laura Severin has been the greatest mentor I could have asked for. She taught my first literature class at NC State and she advised my independent study five semesters. Since my very first semester, she has advised me on my study in English, my options after NC State, and much more. Besides being an amazing mentor, she has become someone I can consider to be a friend.

Dr. Jon Thompson has challenged me more than any other professor at NC State, but because of that my ability to write critically about literature (and in general) has improved greatly. While presenting great challenges, he has also been incredibly compassionate and helpful when I felt stuck, behind, or lost. He has invested so much time into me as a student for no reason other than wanting to see me succeed.

What are your career goals?

To become a Professor of American Literature.

Why did you decide to pursue a degree in the Humanities and Social Sciences?

Besides my interest in Literature, the deep relationships with my CHASS and English professors have been instrumental in my development as a student, which is why a degree in this college was desirable to me.

So far, what has been your greatest challenge?

My greatest challenge has been finding the balance between meeting the requirements of my degree while taking classes with topics and professors that will expand on my personal areas of interests. Luckily, my adviser and department have been flexible and extremely helpful in finding that balance.

What advice would you give to incoming students?

Don’t settle with your schedule unless you’re satisfied with it. Meeting requirements is important, yes, but prioritize your interests first, what you know will help your development, and figure out how it will meet requirements (with your advisor) next!