Outstanding TAs
Rae Meade, a second-year MA concentrating in Rhetoric and Composition, has received the University Graduate Student Association’s award for Excellence in Classroom Teaching! Chelsea Krieg, a second-year MFA concentrating in Poetry, was an honorable mention awardee.
Congratulations to Rae, Chelsea, and to all of this year’s English Department nominees:
Rachel Amity (MS Tech Comm): Professional Communication
Kartika Budhwar(MFA Fiction): Composition
Rae Meade (MA ENG—Rhet/Comp): Composition
James Moran (MFA Poetry): Composition
Will Tolbert (MA ENG–Literature): Composition
Please join me also in recognizing the many faculty mentors who have worked with these outstanding new teachers: Casie Fedukovich, Megan Hall, Wanda Lloyd, Holly Hayes, Koren Kessler, Chad Lewis, Pete Link, Sarah Egan-Warren, and Jason Swarts.
Congratulations and thanks to all for your exemplary work in ENG classrooms!