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Faculty and Staff Resources

To Do Every Year

  • Complete Conflict of Interest (COI) form 
  • Update listing in the university’s Campus Directory (select MyPack Portal > Personal Details > Campus Directory Listing) and the college/departmental departmental profile page
  • Work on course syllabi (by August 21)
  • Update course descriptions on the English department website
  • Select courses you plan to teach in the next semester and submit to the appropriate disciplinary group scheduling leader for approval
  • Prepare and submit Annual Activity Report (AAR) (due late spring)
  • Attend fall (Dec. 16, 2022) and spring (May 5, 2023) departmental graduation ceremonies

English Department Calendar

Frequently Requested Items

English Department Program Reviews

English Department Review, 2022
English Department Self Study, 2022
English Department Review Report, 2022
Preliminary Action Plan, 2023

First-year Writing Program Review, 2018
Final Report of FYW Program Review, 2018

English Department Comprehensive Review, 2014
Final Draft of Comprehensive Review, 2014
Final Report from Reviewers, 2014

English Department Strategic Plan, 2012-17
Final Draft of Strategic Plan, 2012-2017

Current Policies