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SpeedCon Unconference 2016

The SpeedCon Unconference 2016 was a great success, with presenters and attendants from IBM, RedHat, and other companies in the RTP area. 

Please join us in congratulating our officers of our Technical Communication Association (TCA), our tireless TCA faculty advisor, Julia Gonzales, and numerous volunteers on hosting such a successful event! 

We had many MSTC students who presented their work and led workshops during this unconference. Congratulations to you too! 

Nupoor Jalindre. Technical Communication in India.
Alyssa Anderson. UX for software documentation development
Rachael Graham Augmented Reality and TC; 
Moses  Ifamose. Visual communication in TC; 
Chris Sanchez. Alt-text and accessibility.
Nikita Apraj. Localization challenges, 
Laura Zdanski  Foreign language learning strategies
Art Berger Workshop on multi-modal, collaborative long-form blog post of SpeedCon