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Mar 31, 2016

Study Highlights Importance of Multimodal Communication in Higher Ed

Research from NC State finds that "multimodal" communication — using a mix of words, images and other resources — is important for students and faculty in higher education, a finding that argues for increased instruction in multimodal communication for undergraduates. 

Mar 24, 2016

Grad Students Display Innovative Work at Research Symposium

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences was well represented Wednesday at the 2016 Graduate Student Research Symposium. A total of 43 Humanities and Social Sciences students from 14 different graduate programs presented their work at the annual symposium, which showcases research from across campus through poster presentations that are judged by faculty. 

May 18, 2015

Do You Read Me?

Engineers have their own way of talking about their work. Computer scientists often speak a different kind of code. Statisticians employ yet another specialized language. Get them all together and it can feel like a veritable Tower of Babel. That's why NC State’s Laboratory for Analytic Sciences invited experts in communication, social science, management and design to join them. 

May 19, 2014

Prof’s Pioneering Work Hailed

Thirty years after she penned a groundbreaking research paper that launched an entirely new academic field, Carolyn Miller is back in the spotlight. The journal Composition Forum dedicates its November issue to examining the impact of her innovative ideas. 

Mar 13, 2013

Flexibility Adds Function to First-Year Writing Program

Research conducted by Dr. Susan K. Miller-Cochran and Dana Gierdowski has created classrooms that bridge the gap between feasibility and flexibility. 

Mar 7, 2013

CHASS Marks Golden Jubilee With Multimedia Timeline

2013 marks the 50th anniversary of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. While the humanities and social sciences have been woven into the fabric of NC State University's history from its earliest days, our college was officially established as a unique entity in 1963. For our Golden Jubilee, we've assembled a multimedia timeline that reflects the college’s rich history, provides some insights about who we are, and maybe even hints at what the future might hold. Enjoy! 

Sep 5, 2012

Dissertation on Visual Thinking Earns Recognition

All too often, doctoral candidates toil in obscurity over their dissertations. But CHASS alum Kelly Martin has earned high recognition for hers. NC State University nominated “Thinking Visually: A Guide to Research Methodologies and Contexts” for the nation’s most prestigious honor for doctoral dissertations, the Council of Graduate Schools /UMI Distinguished Dissertation Award in Social Sciences. 

Sep 26, 2011

Interactive Art Exhibit Features CHASS Faculty, Students

Tunnel Vision will be on display. A cutting-edge interactive art exhibition is opening at Raleigh’s Contemporary Art Museum, and faculty and students from the college’s interdisciplinary Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media (CRDM) doctoral program are among the artists. ID:ENTITY is a group exhibition that explores the complex dichotomy between the public and private versions of…