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Jun 19, 2014

‘Talkin’ Tar Heel’ Explores Dialects

A new book exploring the depth, breadth and variability of North Carolina dialects draws on twenty years of research by Professors of English Walt Wolfram and Jeffrey Reaser and their team. Learn more about 'Talkin' Tar Heel' and the North Carolina Language and Life Project. 

Apr 25, 2014

English Prof is a Contender on Jeopardy!

Journalism professor Bob Kochersberger has wanted to compete on Jeopardy! for years. He's taken the annual online qualifying exam each January for years. He finally got the chance to answer statements with questions on a nationally televised game show. Read his first-hand account. And watch him compete on April 28! 

Apr 24, 2014

English Professor on Jeopardy April 28

Bob Kochersberger has taught journalism in the English department at NC State since 1986. He worked for newspapers in upstate New York before turning to the classroom and has continued to write professionally. He wanted to be a Jeopardy! contestant for years and took the annual online qualifying exam every January. In 2012 he passed the qualifier and auditioned… 

Apr 11, 2014

Acclaimed Poet Li-Young Lee Reads, Announces NC State Poetry Winners

Critically acclaimed poet Li-Young Lee visited NC State to announce the winners of the NC State 2014 poetry contest and to read from his own award-winning work. Lee, who judged the 2014 NC State Poetry Contest, addressed a packed house in Caldwell Lounge Thursday evening. 

Apr 4, 2014

Alum Returns to Coordinate NC Lit Fest

Jason Jefferies (MA, English, '08) is the programming coordinator for the NC Literary Festival taking place April 3 - 6 in and around NC State's Hunt Library. The Lit Fest theme is "the future of reading." And the future is looking very bright indeed. Visit the festival website to get all the details about this free event for all ages. 

Mar 27, 2014

Donors Help Top Students Reach Their Potential

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences continues to grow as a destination college for talented, top-ranked students from across our state and beyond. Merit scholarships play a critical part in attracting and retaining such students. This year, CHASS awarded more than 100 merit-based scholarships across all its disciplines. A number of scholarship students were able to thank their donors at the college's 2014 Scholarship Luncheon. 

Mar 21, 2014

Outstanding TA Awards

English graduate students Dee Lalley, James Lewis, and Joe Wright have been selected for Outstanding TA Awards at the university level. The University Graduate Student Association (UGSA) Teaching Effectiveness Committee selected the winners from a pool of more than 100 nominees across campus. 

Mar 18, 2014

English Professor Ding Wins TCQ Nell Ann Pickett Award

Associate Professor of English, Huiling Ding, has been chosen for the Nell Ann Pickett Award for her article, “Transcultural Risk Communication and Viral Discourses: Grassroots Movements to Manage Global Risks of H1N1 Flu Pandemic.” This award is given for best article in Technical Communication Quarterly (TCQ) for the 2013 publication year. 

Mar 18, 2014

NC Literary Festival: Treats Galore for Lit Lovers

Make plans now to attend the NC Literary Festival April 3 - 6 in and around the Hunt Library on NC State's Centennial Campus. Hear your favorite authors from across the university and across the country read from their work. Discuss genres ranging from poetry to cooking, fiction and science fiction. Take a workshop in bookmaking, comics or pop-up books. Fun for all ages. And it's free! 

Mar 17, 2014

CHASS Women Lauded for Equity Efforts

Three CHASS women were lauded for their contributions to equity at the 2014 Sisterhood Dinner held on campus by NC State's Council on the Status of Women. Kudos to Deborah Hooker, Mary Wyer and Suzanne Martin.