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Jan 22, 2014

January Student of the Month

Brooke Wilner is a sophomore Caldwell Fellow and Benjamin Franklin Scholar, pursuing a degree in both English and Aerospace Engineering. She is involved with the Feed The Pack Food Pantry, Writing and Speaking Tutorial Services, and CSLEP's Leadership in Action program. She studied abroad at Oxford in Summer 2013. 

Dec 6, 2013

Wolfram Earns State’s Highest Civilian Honor

Professor of English Walt Wolfram has been honored with the state of North Carolina's highest civilian honor for his commitment to public service. Wolfram received the North Carolina award at a ceremony hosted by Governor Pat McCrory. 

Dec 2, 2013

Three CHASS Faculty Named University Faculty Scholars

Three CHASS faculty members have been named University Faculty Scholars, an honor reserved for top NC State early- and mid-career faculty. John Begeny (Psychology), Akram Khater (History) and Tim Stinson (English) are among 20 NC State faculty who will receive $10,000 in donated funds for each of the next five years to support their academic endeavors. 

Nov 13, 2013

Poet John Donne, Live at the Hunt Library … Almost

John Donne, one of England's most famous poets and priests, delivered his “Gunpowder Day” sermon on November 5, 1622, at London’s St. Paul’s Cathedral. Exactly 391 years later, he delivered it again on November 5, 2013, at the Hunt Library at NC State. Well, virtually speaking. 

Nov 8, 2013

November Student of the Month

Halle Mangrum is a sophomore majoring in English. She is a Caldwell Fellow who has been a Technician staff writer, a cast member of NC State's The Heidi Chronicles, and a member of student groups such as Habitat for Humanity. She currently enjoys working on short films and on her first novel. 

Oct 14, 2013

Linguistics Project the Talk of the Fair

If you speak one of the diverse dialects of North Cackalacky, you'll feel right at home visiting Walt Wolfram's display at the State Fair this month. Speak nicely and you may even get a button, courtesy of the North Carolina Language and Life Project. 

Oct 7, 2013

What the Dog Knows

Cat Warren, an associate professor of journalism in the Department of English, teaches science writing, editing and reporting. In a completely different role, and working alongside the cadaver dog she trained, Warren also helps law enforcement officials search for missing and presumed-dead people. In her new book, What the Dog Knows (Touchstone Books, 2013), Warren has combined science, history and memoir to explore the world of working dogs that sniff out bodies, bombs and drugs, even unmarked graves of Civil War soldiers. 

Sep 26, 2013

2013 Short Story Competition Seeks Entries

The 2013 NC State Short Story Contest, sponsored by the NC State University Creative Writing Program, seeks entrants for one of the largest free literary competitions in the South. But don't dilly dally. The postmark deadline for all entries is October 21. 

Aug 21, 2013

Here’s My Degree — Where’s My Job?

Classes are just starting up at NC State. As freshmen find their way to obscure classrooms (where's Caldwell G108, anyway?) and other students tweak their schedules for a perfect fit, at the back of everyone's mind lurks the question: What am I going to do with the rest of my life? Professor Susan Katz's new e-book is designed to help students find the right job after college. 

Aug 7, 2013

Friends look to document, celebrate Hondros’ life

Friends of the late Chris Hondros are making a documentary to honor his life and career. "He was one of the greatest photographers of all time," says his friend Greg Campbell. "He had developed into the elder statesman of conflict photographers. Everyone respected him, even his competitors. He was a master of his environment." In 2011, Hondros was fatally wounded in a mortar attack in Libya.